TO MENU


        Product photography shot on-location in your space. Or styling and shooting done in my home studio where I create and style setups unique to your brand requirements. Deep etching (background removal) or hard editing (removing objects) at extra cost.

        – Photography brief via phone
        – Assistance with basic prop styling advice and set-ups
        – ALL IMAGES professionally edited in high resolution
        – IMAGE LICENSE for use across all media platforms
        – Customised Online Gallery to catalogue your
        images, including web sized files for social media
        marketing, within 7 days of session

        Contact me for a quote or to book your session.

        Get In Touch

        Hello - I would love to hear from you!

        Fill in the form below and I will get back to you asap. Alternatively I can be emailed directly at yvonne@yveseyesphotography.com.au